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Inner Harmony

Read to Live a Long and Interesting Life

New research has revealed a fascinating correlation between people who dedicate significant time to reading books and their life expectancy. Surprisingly, those who spend more than three hours per week immersed in books tend to live an average of two years longer.   However, stimulati...

Procrastination: Decoding the Messages Behind the Delay

1/15/2024 Exclusive
Procrastination is when someone delays doing tasks until the very last moment, which can be a self-destructive habit. It often brings feelings of guilt and makes it difficult to find the motivation to act. Psychological studies suggest that procrastinators are aware of the irrationality of their del...

Unlocking Hidden Wonders: Explore Your Immediate Surroundings

Exploration and discovery are embedded in the human brain. Those discoveries keep us engaged and curious. Resisting the allure of habit and actively seeking out fresh information and experiences is key to longevity. Fortunately, satisfying this natural curiosity doesn't always need venturing far fro...

Boosting Your Spirits: The Power of a Success Journal

In our journey through life, we all need support. While we may pride ourselves on independence and self-reliance, there is a powerful psychological tool that can provide the encouragement we often seek – the Success Journal. This journal can be any notebook that suits your taste, where you jot...

Unraveling the Reasons Behind Children's Food Tantrums

In parenthood, one of the most perplexing challenges is navigating through the culinary preferences and aversions of our little ones. The battleground often shifts to the dining table, where children might exhibit seemingly capricious behaviors towards food. But what lies beneath the surface of thes...

Exercise for the Mind: Keeping Your Brain Active and Agile

Similar to how physical activity and exercise contribute to maintaining the tone of our bodies and an overall active lifestyle, engaging in mental exercises can play a crucial role in keeping our brains sharp and preventing cognitive decline. The brain, being an incredibly powerful cognitive machine...

The Sweet Antidote: How Animal Companionship Can Brighten Your Days

In the stressful world we live in, finding sources of joy and comfort is essential for maintaining mental well-being. Surprisingly, one of the most delightful antidotes to stress and anxiety is closer than you might think: the companionship of animals. Numerous studies have shown that interacting wi...

Navigating the Post-Holiday Recharge: Finding Balance and Joy

The approach of the new year is often heralded as a time of joy, celebration, and anticipation of new beginnings. However, for many, this period also comes with heightened stress and fatigue due to intense preparations, the hustle and bustle of the Christmas rush, gift shopping, and the flurry of gr...
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