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How does stress affect people's emotional state?


Remember: your mental and physical health directly affects your life. 

Look after yourself and replenish your resources.

Some people fall into depression under the pressure of a crisis, while others grow stronger and gain strength. We react to stress in different ways, but one thing remains a constant companion— our emotions.

Understanding the nuances of our feelings, from the exhilaration of anticipation to the depression and indifference that lie in between, is where emotional intelligence shines. It acts as a map that helps us navigate the complex terrain of our own as well as other people's emotions. 

In our fast-paced society, where stress can take many forms, two contrasting reactions have emerged: some people choose to throw themselves into the fray, passionately responding to the latest headlines, while others retreat into a quiet, reflective pause. Only a resilient few manage these stormy waves by accepting change, displaying the transforming power of acceptance and self-evolution.

Are you curious about the best methods for harnessing this transformational power? Stop searching you've found an irreplaceable resource for navigating the changes occurring in your life.

Start by recognizing how you feel right now. Don't try to ignore or change it. Instead, accept it as an inescapable truth. This initial stage establishes the framework for increasing emotional awareness and comprehension.

Starting on the path to personal empowerment entails three key steps: expressing desires, making educated decisions, and turning ambitions into actions. However, at the heart of this transformative process is the critical component of internal strength. Together we will investigate the nature of this internal resource with our physical and mental well-being.  

But all of this requires strength. And in order to overcome a crisis more successfully, you need to be able to manage this internal resource. 


Where does the internal resource go? 


Burnout, apathy, sleep disorders, depression and other mental conditions are symptoms that arise when you don’t track your energy levels or spend your energy rationally. The internal resource of strength is interconnected with physical and mental health. Nonetheless, there is a chance to overcome these difficulties and come out stronger because of them. Join us on this adventure to discover and protect your most valuable asset, the key to long-term health and happiness. 


Ways to fight stress 


1. Maintain information hygiene

Turn off online white noise and escape the constant flood of useless information. Stop watching the news or consuming junk information on the Internet. This eats up your inner resource. Read and watch only what leads you to your goal and inspires you. Instead of getting stuck on social networks, fill your information field with targeted resources. Learn, network, track competitors and look for opportunities. 


2. Clean up your environment

Stay away from those who are always whining, perpetually play the victim, or give off a negative energy. The time and effort you put into dealing with them could be better spent elsewhere. Seek out people who are optimistic and open to new experiences. Engage with those who share your goals, values and interests in developing your full potential. 


3. Educate yourself

Continuously develop and fill yourself with new and useful information. New knowledge creates new neural connections in your head, giving rise to new ideas and insights. This is a powerful source of energy and motivation. 


4. Stick to a routine

Go to bed and wake up at the same time every day. Sleep 7-8 hours and make it a habit. 


5. Eat right

Your diet can either take away energy or add energy. Stop eating junk food: burgers, soda, pizza and sweets. Eat right, and then you will have more energy. Did you know that sugar promotes inflammation and fermentation, so the risk of becoming infected with any virus increases? 


6. Stay hydrated

It’s no secret that water hydrates us on a daily basis. However, it also removes toxins from the body and maintains body temperature. It is essential to many vital body processes. Try drinking 1.5-2 liters of water a day, approximately 6-7 glasses. 

Attempt to form a habit of drinking water first thing in the morning,   


7. Stay physically active

Physical exercise is a haven for some people, and a nightmare for others. But even a short walk outside can improve your well-being, ease tension, and help manage stress.

Sport does not require additional equipment. When you exercise, serotonin and dopamine are released, inducing happiness and making you more resilient to stress. 


8. Master meditation techniques  

Meditation helps to clear the mind of “noise.” Often, we can feel lost or unsure of what to do next when faced with overwhelming tasks, negative news or anxiety. Meditation elevates you into a heightened state of concentration and makes you more aware. It also clears away unnecessary thoughts, calms the mind and body, and improves performance.


How to meditate correctly 


Meditation isn’t as simple as it seems. To start your path on the right note, find a quiet place where you will not be interrupted. Next, sit down and keep your spine straight. Don't lean your head anywhere — you can fall asleep that way. 

Close your eyes and concentrate on your breathing. Different thoughts will come to mind — this is normal. Just relax and focus on your breathing. It's a wonderful achievement if you sit like this for 20 minutes, but even 3-5 minutes is great.

Meditation reboots the brain and clears it of unnecessary thoughts. It's like rebooting your phone: unnecessary programs are closed, and the phone turns on with clean RAM. But remember, before you start meditating, you need to calm down. To do this, you need to regulate your breathing. 

The square technique will help with this!

Square technique: 

Take a deep, lingering breath and count out four seconds. Hold your breath for four seconds and then take a 4-second breath out. 

Again, pause and go 4 seconds without breathing.

Ten times through this sequence I'm sure that you can find peace and get back to your normal, calmer self. If you're feeling agitated or restless, use this method. 


9. Wake up early and spend your morning efficiently 

A productive morning gives you a boost of energy for the whole day. Here's Robin Sharma's 20/20/20 formula for a productive morning:

Start your day not with the phone, fuss and stress, but by filling yourself with resources.

Exercise for 20 minutes until you work up a good sweat. When we sweat within 20 minutes of waking up, we release brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), a protein that repairs damaged areas of the brain. Hormones are also released: serotonin, dopamine and neurotransmitters of inspiration. Plus, the stress hormone, cortisol, is suppressed. It is cortisol that causes a lack of energy. Because of this, we do not achieve results at work and do not enjoy life.

Next, write in your diary for 20 minutes. Reflect and dive into your inner world. Keep a journal and write in it, reflecting on your values. Make a plan for the day in it. Write it all down with positive intentions.

Spend 20 minutes studying. Read books, listen to podcasts, watch webinars, or take part in courses. It's much more useful and productive than scrolling on social networks. One of the best areas of investment is our mental development. 20/20/20 is a great habit that leads to harmony and increased productivity in all areas of life.

Follow this plan for a life of radiance. Maintaining your health is an ongoing physical and emotional commitment to yourself and your future. Let happiness be your constant partner in life
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