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How TikTok Is Changing the Music Industry


If you spend enough time scrolling through TikTok, you'll start to see what makes a song stick. It's all about relatability, easy-to-copy moves, and tunes that instinctively make you want tance. A lot of these videos look like they were just casually shot in someone's bedroom – because, most of the time, they were. This DIY vibe makes TikTok feel more accessible, especially for newcomers who might find other platforms too daunting.

But here's the thing everyone's wondering: Can these o dTikTok musicians actually make a living without the help of traditional music labels? It's the big question on everyone's mind.

Keep reading, and you’ll find out:

  • How TikTok is reshaping the music industry  
  • What makes a song viral on TikTok  
  • Where TikTok musicians find financial success  
  • Examples of artists who owe their big breaks to TikTok 
  • Why artists are frustrated with record labels over TikTok 
So, without further ado, let's dive deeper into the TikTok revolution and its ripple effects.

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