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The Wisdom of Ikigai



In a quaint Japanese town, a poignant tale unfolded. A woman faced the final moments of her life. During this critical juncture, an extraordinary experience transpired. Sensing her soul departing, ascending into the ethereal realm, she found herself in the presence of ancestral spirits. A resounding voice echoed, posing a profound question, "Who are you?" 

In response, she initially identified herself as the mayor's wife. However, the ethereal inquiry delved deeper, demanding an essence beyond societal roles. "I'm not asking who your husband is. Tell me, who are you?" 

Undeterred, she shared facets of her identity, proclaiming herself as the mother of four children and a dedicated schoolteacher. Yet, the voice persisted, emphasizing a quest for a more intrinsic truth. "Did I ask how many children you have or where you work?" 

The dialogue continued until a transformative revelation emerged. In a moment of clarity, she declared, "I am the one who wakes up every day to help her family and teach children at school." 

This profound realization marked a turning point. As swiftly as her soul had departed, it returned to her earthly vessel, and an unexpected recovery ensued. The grip of illness loosened, overshadowed by the newfound clarity of purpose. 

In the narrative of this woman's journey, we glimpse the essence of ikigaithe profound intersection of passion, mission, vocation, and profession that defines our reason for being. Beyond societal roles and external labels, her ikigai became evident in the simplicity of her daily contributions: aiding her family and imparting knowledge to the young minds in her care. 


Imagine a life where every action, step, and hobby fills you with joy and purpose. This is the essence of Ikigai, a profound Japanese philosophy that guides individuals toward personal fulfillment and happiness. 

Ikigai revolves around the idea of mindfulness, encouraging individuals to delve into self-discovery by answering fundamental questions like "Who are you?" and "How can you contribute to the world?" It believes that by finding these answers, one can achieve tranquility and a sense of purpose. 

Let's explore the 10 principles of Ikigai living more simply: 

  • Stay Calm and Collected: Even in tough situations, keeping calm helps avoid unnecessary stress and make sensible decisions. 
  • Understand Yourself and Others: Finding common ground and compromising with others fosters positive relationships and reduces conflicts. 
  • Respect Traditions: Cherishing traditions and continuously learning helps connect with the past and find one's place in the world. 
  • Embrace Spiritual Practices: Engaging in activities like meditation aids in finding inner harmony and peace. 
  • Love Nature: Appreciating and connecting with nature is seen as a source of life and inspiration. 
  • Stay Active: Age should not limit personal development. Learning new things and staying active contribute to unexpected happiness. 
  • Live Without Haste: Avoiding unnecessary speed and learning to prioritize enhances the quality of life. 
  • Eat Moderately: Reconsidering your diet and eating in moderation aligns with the body's needs and promotes well-being. 
  • Stay Fit and Smile: Maintaining physical and mental health through an active lifestyle, especially as you age, releases happiness hormones. Smiling is a simple yet effective mood-booster. 
  • Practice Gratitude: Expressing gratitude for everything, big or small, fosters appreciation for life.

Now, let's tackle the question: "How do you find what truly makes you happy?" If you're unsure, try these simple techniques: 

  • Tap into Creativity: Consider what interests you the most and satisfies you in a short amount of time. 
  • Revisit Childhood Dreams: Recall the dreams you had as a child. Evaluate their relevance today and think about how you can revive them. 
  • Identify Current Inspirations: List activities that energize and inspire you. Create a visual representation of the steps needed to succeed in these areas, motivating you to take action.
In essence, Ikigai is not just a philosophy; it's a guide to living a happy and purposeful life. By embracing its principles, you can navigate life's complexities, foster self-awareness, and create meaningful connections with the world around you. It's about unlocking the secrets to happiness and finding joy in the simple yet profound aspects of life.
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