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10 Rules for a Clean and Tidy Home: Effortless Housekeeping Tips


Maintaining an ideal level of cleanliness in your home without extensive effort is a dream shared by many homemakers. To help you achieve this on a daily basis, here are 10 simple rules that will keep your home clean. 

1. Declutter Regularly 

Accumulating excessive clutter, whether it's papers, miscellaneous items, or old belongings, leads to visible disorder. A surplus of unnecessary items on surfaces and in closets hinders both daily and weekly cleaning. Avoid this by regularly decluttering, getting rid of the unnecessary, and storing infrequently used items in more remote spaces 

2. Daily Quick Cleanups 

Regularly cleaning floors and surfaces allows you to maintain cleanliness throughout your home. Dedicate 15-20 minutes each day to this quick cleanup routine. 

3. Address Messes Immediately 

Don't let a dirty sink or greasy kitchen surface linger. Addressing such simple cleaning tasks immediately takes only a few seconds but prevents messes from accumulating. 

4. Wash Dishes Promptly 

After preparing meals, make it a habit to wash pots, pans, and kitchenware right away. Avoid stacking dirty dishes in the sink and deal with kitchen messes promptly after cooking. 

5. Avoid Cluttering with Clothes 

For those who love comfort and coziness, refrain from piling mountains of clothes on sofas or chairs. Place clean items in the wardrobe, and dirty ones in the laundry. 

6. Make Your Bed Each Morning 

Crinkled bedding on your bed creates disorder in the bedroom. It takes less than 30 seconds to make your bed each morning. 

7. Minimize Paperwork 

Your home is not the ideal place to store unnecessary paperwork. Discard old receipts, bank statements, and other papers. If necessary, transform them into electronic documents. 

8. Evening "Five-Minute Cleanup" 

Before bedtime, take five minutes to tidy up your living space. Put away scattered items, return magazines and books to their places, and organize children's toys. Spend a few minutes in the evening so you can wake up to a clean home in the morning. 

9. Discard Unused Items 

Maintain a cozy and clean living space by parting with clothes you haven’t worn in over a year or unused household items. Dispose of old dishes, recycle unnecessary gadgets, and discard magazine cutouts. 

10. Embrace Modern Gadgets 

Functional accessories contribute to a comfortable home. Invest in kitchen organizers, stylish rugs, and key hangers, and consider useful appliances such as vacuum cleaners, steam cleaners, and humidifiers. 


Keeping a home clean and orderly is a collective responsibility. This not only lightens the load on the homemaker but also instills respect for each other's efforts. Create a task list and let each family member choose tasks they enjoy, fostering a shared commitment to a clean and organized living space.
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