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The Color of The Year


Looking forward to the new year with equal parts anticipation and anxiety is a normal human reaction. While you're busy thinking ahead, maybe even feeling a little nervous, there's a fresh angle to consider: the year's colors. 

As you think about the next several months, stop and consider the colors that pop into your head. It could take some time before a color manifests, or it could happen immediately. The most important thing is to consider the feelings you associate with that color. Think of green, yellow, and purple. What color fascinates you the most? Which of them do you feel represents your goal the most? 

Turn your attention to what you want from the next year and what you want to achieve. Think of the vivid strokes that will decorate your events this year, coloring them with the shades you desire. 

Now comes the most important part: can you visualize your goals with the colors matching and blending? If so, well done! There is complete harmony between your inner vision and your anticipated journey. 

Don't worry if the colors don't match exactly; if the shades you see don't match the shades you want, that's okay. This is a chance to learn about yourself and make some changes. 

Think about how important this difference is. Does it represent a minor adjustment or something more substantial that you hope to make in your life? Tap into your imagination and rediscover the colors that will distinguish this year. 

In the end, it's important to make sure that the colors you desire for the year are the same ones you identify when thinking about your aspirations. Make adjustments and make sure your expectations are in line with the reality you want to create next year.
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