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Read to Live a Long and Interesting Life


New research has revealed a fascinating correlation between people who dedicate significant time to reading books and their life expectancy. Surprisingly, those who spend more than three hours per week immersed in books tend to live an average of two years longer.   

However, stimulating our minds goes beyond a mere wish to expand the duration of our lives. It is essential for the brain’s efficient functioning and the development of new thoughts. Reading is one of the simplest methods to improve cognitive abilities. Recognizing that knowledge is power, nearly all famous people read daily. In light of this, if you want to get closer to achieving a goal, you should pick up that book you have been eyeing for a long time! 

There are many benefits to this hobby other than immersing yourself in vibrant fantasy worlds and sci-fi planets. It also gives your brain a job, and this helps reduce the risk of developing diseases like Alzheimer's and dementia. Immersing yourself in another world is a great distraction from everyday problems, as well as memory and concentration training 

Moreover, establishing a consistent bedtime routine that involves reading can effectively communicate to your body that it's time to wind down and prepare for sleep. In today's world, our dependence on screen time has become more prevalent than ever before. Thus, when you choose to put your phone aside and opt for a book instead, you are signaling to your brain that it's time to relax and unwind. In addition, incorporating reading into your bedtime routine can have a calming effect on your mind and help reduce anxiety, ultimately leading to better sleep quality. 

If reading has been just a distant concept for you but has become one of your New Year's resolutions, you don't have to start with broader goals. Make it a habit to set aside 15-30 minutes each day for reading. Take advantage of your free time by reading on the go, and consider downloading books to your smartphone for convenience. 

But where to start, you might ask? From contemporary romances to heavy classics, the world of literature is as vast as the ocean. Here it is important to choose something that will truly engage and captivate you. If you want to develop a new skill, maybe a self-help book is your best pick. Or, if the wish to escape reality itches under your skin, you might enjoy fantasy or romance. 

There are a variety of platforms on the internet that can help you make a choice. Online reviews and opinions can guide you to pick the right book. 

Wandering the bookstore, though, can also be a therapeutic activity. Get lost among the towering shelves, and take your time reading the synopsis of books that catch your attention. Remember that choosing a book by its cover is not always a bad idea. 

All things considered, the correlation between reading and a longer lifespan is intriguing. Beyond the obvious health benefits, reading improves memory, lowers the risk of diseases, and gives a welcome diversion. Reading may be a simple yet powerful way to improve your health and longevity, whether to get information or to relax.
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