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How to Boost Your Self-Esteem


Who doesn't wrestle with self-esteem issues? We all have something we're not quite happy with, whether it’s our looks, personality quirks, or number of friends. These insecurities are part and parcel of being human. 

But here's the kicker: when we blame ourselves for every misstep and chalk up any success to mere luck, we're playing a dangerous game. It's a recipe for spiraling into depression or anxiety, typical behavior for those struggling with low self-esteem. That's why action is key. 

Low self-esteem, whether it stems from childhood wounds, biology, or life's hard knocks, is something we can and should address. 

One technique worth trying is the mirror exercise. 

Every morning, take a moment to stand before a mirror and really see the person looking back at you. It's like meeting someone for the first time.

Answer some questions to get a sense of how you perceive yourself: 

  • When you gaze into the mirror, do you see someone beautiful? 
  • Do you genuinely love your friends, family, and coworkers for who they are? 
  • Are there things about your appearance you wish were different? 
  • Do you feel more confident when you're looking your best?

After pondering these questions, it's time to confront the mirror directly. Stand there and ask yourself: 

  • What do you see reflected in the mirror? 
  • What does the person staring back at you look like? 
  • Do you recognize them? 
  • What are the positives about this person? 
  • What are the negatives about this person? 
  • What's your favorite thing about this person? 
  • If you could, would you change anything about them?

Take a moment to regard yourself with kindness and affection. Notice all the wonderful things about yourself that you may have overlooked. It takes effort to recognize your strengths, but there are plenty, and they're worth celebrating. 

Understand that the reflection in the mirror is the most important person in your life. 

Tell them, sincerely and from the heart, "I love you." 

Remember that old saying, "Love yourself, and the world will love you back?” It's true. You are the most significant person in your life. Learn to love, appreciate, and accept yourself just the way you are. Take a good look at your reflection and genuinely love what you see. 

At first, this exercise might feel strange or uncomfortable, but give it time. Commit to it for at least a week, and you'll find that meeting yourself becomes more enjoyable and uplifting. 

This exercise is a powerful tool for building self-esteem and confidence.
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